Source code for selenium_docker.utils

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# >>
#   Copyright 2018 Vivint, inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
#    vivint-selenium-docker, 20017
# <<

import os
import random
import string
import subprocess
from functools import partial

import gevent
from dotmap import DotMap
from six import PY2

# compatibility
if PY2:
    _range = xrange
else:  # pragma: no cover
    _range = range

[docs]def gen_uuid(length=4): """ Generate a random ID. Args: length (int): length of generated ID. Returns: str: of length ``length``. """ if not isinstance(length, int): length = 4 length = max(0, length) return ''.join([random.choice(string.hexdigits) for _ in _range(length)])
[docs]def in_container(): """ Determines if we're running in an lxc/docker container. Checks in various locations with different methods. If any one of these default operations are successful the function returns ``True``. This is not an infallible method and can be faked easy. Returns: bool """ out = subprocess.check_output('cat /proc/1/sched', shell=True) out = out.decode('utf-8').lower() checks = [ 'docker' in out, '/lxc/' in out, out.split()[0] not in ('systemd', 'init',), os.path.exists('/.dockerenv'), os.path.exists('/.dockerinit'), os.getenv('container', None) is not None ] return any(checks)
[docs]def ip_port(container, port): """ Returns an updated HostIp and HostPort from the container's network properties. Calls container reload on-call. Args: container (Container): port (str): Returns: tuple(str, int): IP/hostname and port. """ # make sure it's running, get the newest values port = str(port) container.reload() attr = DotMap(container.attrs) conn = attr.NetworkSettings.Ports[port][0] return conn.HostIp, int(conn.HostPort)
[docs]def load_docker_image(_docker, image, tag=None, insecure_registry=False, background=False): """ Issue a `docker pull` command before attempting to start/run containers. This could potentially alliviate startup time, as well as ensure the containers are up-to-date. Args: _docker (DockerClient): image (str): tag (str): insecure_registry (bool): background (bool): Returns: Image """ if tag is None: tag = '' fn = partial(_docker.images.pull, image, tag=tag, insecure_registry=insecure_registry) if background: return gevent.spawn(fn) else: return fn()
[docs]def parse_metadata(meta): """ Convert a dictionary into proper formatting for ffmpeg. Args: meta (dict): data to convert. Returns: str: post-formatted string generated from ``meta``. """ NO_CHR = '\'"' valid_chars = [c for c in string.printable if c not in NO_CHR] pieces = [] for k, v in meta.items(): if v is None: continue v = str(v) v = ''.join([c for c in v if c in valid_chars]) if len(v) == 0: continue text = '-metadata {key}="{value}"'.format(key=str(k).lower(), value=v) pieces.append(text) return ' '.join(pieces)