Source code for selenium_docker.proxy

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# >>
#   Copyright 2018 Vivint, inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
#    vivint-selenium-docker, 20017
# <<

import logging

from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy, ProxyType

from selenium_docker.base import ContainerFactory, ContainerInterface
from selenium_docker.drivers import check_container
from selenium_docker.utils import gen_uuid, ip_port

class AbstractProxy(object):
    def make_proxy(http, port=None, https=None, socks=None):
        """ Create a proxy the Selenium API can use.

            http (str): URL for the HTTP proxy.
            port (int): HTTP proxy port.
            https (str): URL for the HTTPS proxy.
            socks (dict): with keys: ``url``, ``username`` and ``password``.

        if socks is None:
            socks = {}
        if port:
            http_url = '%s:%d' % (http, port)
            http_url = '%s' % http
        proxy = Proxy({
            'proxyType': ProxyType.MANUAL,
            'httpProxy': http_url,
            'sslProxy': https,
            'socksProxy': socks.get('url'),
            'socksUsername': socks.get('username'),
            'socksPassword': socks.get('password')
        return proxy

[docs]class SquidProxy(ContainerInterface, AbstractProxy): SQUID_PORT = '3128/tcp' """str: identifier for extracting the host port that's bound to Docker.""" CONTAINER = dict( image='minimum2scp/squid', detach=True, mem_limit='256mb', ports={SQUID_PORT: None}, publish_all_ports=True, labels={'role': 'proxy', 'dynamic': 'true'}, restart_policy={ 'Name': 'on-failure' }) """dict: default specification for the underlying container."""
[docs] def __init__(self, logger=None, factory=None): """ Args: logger: factory (:obj:`selenium_docker.base.ContainerFactory`): """ self.factory = factory or ContainerFactory.get_default_factory() self.factory.load_image(self.CONTAINER, background=False) self._name = self.factory.gen_name(key='squid3-' + gen_uuid()) self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger( '%s.SquidProxy.%s' % (__name__, self.container = self._make_container() conn, port = ip_port(self.container, self.SQUID_PORT) self.selenium_proxy = self.make_proxy(conn, port)
@property def name(self): """str: read-only property of the container's name. """ return self._name
[docs] @check_container def _make_container(self): """ Create a running container on the given Docker engine. Returns: :class:`~docker.models.containers.Container` """ kwargs = dict(self.CONTAINER) kwargs.setdefault('name', self.logger.debug('creating container') c = self.factory.start_container(kwargs) self.logger.debug('reloading container') c.reload() return c
[docs] def close_container(self): """ Removes the running container from the connected engine via :obj:`.DockerDriverBase.factory`. Returns: None """ self.factory.stop_container(
[docs] def quit(self): """ Alias for :func:`~SquidProxy.close_container`. Returns: None """ self.logger.debug('proxy quit') self.close_container()