Source code for selenium_docker.pool

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# >>
#   Copyright 2018 Vivint, inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
#    vivint-selenium-docker, 20017
# <<

import math
from collections import Mapping
from logging import getLogger
from functools import partial

import gevent
from gevent.pool import Pool
from gevent.queue import JoinableQueue, Queue
from toolz.itertoolz import count, isiterable
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException

from selenium_docker.base import ContainerFactory
from import ChromeDriver
from selenium_docker.errors import SeleniumDockerException
from selenium_docker.proxy import SquidProxy
from selenium_docker.utils import gen_uuid

[docs]class DriverPoolRuntimeException(RuntimeError, SeleniumDockerException): """ Pool RunTime Exception. """
[docs]class DriverPoolValueError(ValueError, SeleniumDockerException): """ Pool interaction ValueError. """
[docs]class DriverPool(object): """ Create a pool of available Selenium containers for processing. Args: size (int): maximum concurrent tasks. Must be at least ``2``. driver_cls (WebDriver): driver_cls_args (tuple): driver_cls_kw (dict): use_proxy (bool): factory (:obj:`~selenium_docker.base.ContainerFactory`): name (str): logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): Example:: pool = DriverPool(size=2) urls = [ '', '', '', '', '' ] def get_title(driver, url): driver.get(url) return driver.title for result in pool.execute(get_title, urls): print(result) """ INNER_THREAD_SLEEP = 0.5 """float: essentially our polling interval between tasks and checking when tasks have completed. """ PROXY_CLS = SquidProxy """:obj:`~selenium_docker.proxy.AbstractProxy`: created for the pool when ``use_proxy=True`` during pool instantiation. """ def __init__(self, size, driver_cls=ChromeDriver, driver_cls_args=None, driver_cls_kw=None, use_proxy=True, factory=None, name=None, logger=None): self.size = max(2, size) = name or gen_uuid(6) self.factory = factory or ContainerFactory.get_default_factory() self.logger = logger or getLogger( '%s.DriverPool.%s' % (__name__, self._driver_cls = driver_cls self._driver_cls_args = driver_cls_args or tuple() self._driver_cls_kw = driver_cls_kw or dict() self._drivers = Queue(maxsize=self.size) # post init inspections if not hasattr(self._driver_cls, 'CONTAINER'): raise DriverPoolValueError('driver_cls must extend DockerDriver') if not isiterable(self._driver_cls_args): raise DriverPoolValueError( '%s is not iterable' % self._driver_cls_args) if not isinstance(self._driver_cls_kw, Mapping): raise DriverPoolValueError( '%s is not a valid mapping' % self._driver_cls_kw) # determine proxy usage self.proxy = None self._use_proxy = use_proxy # type: bool # deferred instantiation self._pool = None # type: Pool self._results = None # type: Queue self._tasks = None # type: JoinableQueue self._processing = False # type: bool self.__feeder_green = None # type: gevent.Greenlet def __repr__(self): return '<DriverPool-%s(size=%d,driver=%s,proxy=%s,async=%s)>' % (, self.size, self._driver_cls.BROWSER, self._use_proxy, self.is_async) def __iter__(self): return self.results(block=self.is_async) def __del__(self): try: self.close() except Exception as e: if hasattr(self, 'logger'): self.logger.exection(e, exc_info=False) @property def is_processing(self): """bool: whether or not we're currently processing tasks. """ return self._processing @property def is_async(self): """bool: returns True when asynchronous processing is happening. """ return self.__feeder_green is not None def __bootstrap(self): """ Prepare this driver pool instance to batch execute task items. """ if self.is_processing: # cannot run two executions simultaneously raise DriverPoolRuntimeException( 'cannot bootstrap pool, already running') if self._results and self._results.qsize(): # pragma: no cover self.logger.debug('pending results being discarded') if self._tasks and self._tasks.qsize(): # pragma: no cover self.logger.debug('pending tasks being discarded') if self._pool: # pragma: no cover self.logger.debug('killing processing pool') self._pool.join(timeout=10.0) self._pool.kill() self._pool = None if self._use_proxy and not self.proxy: # defer proxy instantiation -- since spinning up a squid proxy # docker container is surprisingly time consuming. self.logger.debug('bootstrapping squid proxy') self.proxy = self.PROXY_CLS(factory=self.factory) self.logger.debug('bootstrapping pool processing') self._processing = True self._results = Queue() self._tasks = JoinableQueue() self._load_drivers() # create our processing pool with headroom over the number of drivers # requested for this processing pool. self._pool = Pool(size=self.size + math.ceil(self.size * 0.25)) def __cleanup(self, force=False): """ Stop and remove the web drivers and their containers. This function should not remove pending tasks or results. It should be possible to cleanup all the external resources of a driver pool and still extract the results of the work that was completed. Raises: DriverPoolRuntimeException: when attempting to cleanup an environment while processing is still happening, and forcing the cleanup is set to ``False``. SeleniumDockerException: when a driver instance or container cannot be closed properly. Returns: None """ if self.is_processing and not force: # pragma: no cover raise DriverPoolRuntimeException( 'cannot cleanup driver pool while executing') self._processing = False squid = None # type: gevent.Greenlet error = None # type: SeleniumDockerException if self.proxy: self.logger.debug('closing squid proxy') squid = gevent.spawn(self.proxy.quit) if self._pool: # pragma: no cover self.logger.debug('emptying task pool') if not force: self._pool.join(timeout=10.0) self._pool.kill(block=False, timeout=10.0) self._pool = None self.logger.debug('closing all driver containers') while not self._drivers.empty(): d = self._drivers.get(block=True) try: d.quit() except SeleniumDockerException as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) if not force: error = e if self.proxy: squid.join() self.proxy = None if error: # pragma: no cover raise error
[docs] def _load_driver(self, and_add=True): """ Load a single web driver instance and container. """ args = self._driver_cls_args kw = dict(self._driver_cls_kw) kw.update({ 'proxy': self.proxy, 'factory': self.factory, }) driver = self._driver_cls(*args, **kw) if and_add: self._drivers.put(driver) return driver
[docs] def _load_drivers(self): """ Load the web driver instances and containers. Raises: DriverPoolRuntimeException: when the requested number of drivers for the given pool size cannot be created for some reason. Returns: None """ if not self._drivers.empty(): # pragma: no cover return threads = [] for o in range(self.size): self.logger.debug('creating driver %d of %d', o + 1, self.size) thread = gevent.spawn(self._load_driver) threads.append(thread) for t in reversed(threads): t.join() if not self._drivers.full(): raise DriverPoolRuntimeException( 'unable to fulfill required concurrent drivers, %d of %d' % ( self._drivers.qsize(), self.size))
def _recycle_driver(self, driver): if not driver: return try: driver.quit() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) # do NOT add the new driver container to the drivers queue, # instead this will be handled in the recycle logic that requested # the driver in the first place. Instead of returning the one it # received this "new" instance will be put in its placed. print('RECYCLED!!!!!!') return self._load_driver(and_add=False)
[docs] def add_async(self, *items): """ Add additional items to the asynchronous processing queue. Args: items (list(Any)): list of items that need processing. Each item is applied one at a time to an available driver from the pool. Raises: StopIteration: when all items have been added. """ if len(items) == 1 and isinstance(items[0], list): items = iter(items[0]) if not items: raise DriverPoolValueError( 'cannot add items with value: %s' % str(items)) item_count = count(items) self.logger.debug('adding %d additional items to tasks', item_count) for o in items: self._tasks.put(o)
[docs] def close(self): """ Force close all the drivers and cleanup their containers. Returns: None """ self.__cleanup(force=True)
[docs] def execute(self, fn, items, preserve_order=False, auto_clean=True, no_wait=False): """ Execute a fixed function, blocking for results. Args: fn (Callable): function that takes two parameters, ``driver`` and ``task``. items (list(Any)): list of items that need processing. Each item is applied one at a time to an available driver from the pool. preserve_order (bool): should the results be returned in the order they were supplied via ``items``. It's more performant to allow results to return in any order. auto_clean (bool): cleanup docker containers after executing. If multiple processing tasks are going to be used, it's more performant to leave the containers running and reuse them. no_wait (bool): forgo a small sleep interval between finishing a task and putting the driver back in the available drivers pool. Yields: results: the result for each item as they're finished. """ def worker(o): job_num, item = o self.logger.debug('doing work on item %d' % job_num) driver = self._drivers.get(block=True) ret_val = fn(driver, item) if not no_wait: gevent.sleep(self.INNER_THREAD_SLEEP) self._drivers.put(driver) return ret_val if self.__feeder_green: raise DriverPoolRuntimeException( 'cannot perform a blocking execute while async processing') self.__bootstrap() self.logger.debug('starting sync processing') if preserve_order: ittr = self._pool.imap else: ittr = self._pool.imap_unordered self.logger.debug('yielding processed results') for o in ittr(worker, enumerate(items)): self._results.put(o) self._results.put(StopIteration) self.logger.debug('stopping sync processing') if auto_clean: self.logger.debug('auto cleanup pool environment') self.__cleanup(force=True) return self.results(block=False)
[docs] def execute_async(self, fn, items=None, callback=None, catch=(WebDriverException,), requeue_task=False): """ Execute a fixed function in the background, streaming results. Args: fn (Callable): function that takes two parameters, ``driver`` and ``task``. items (list(Any)): list of items that need processing. Each item is applied one at a time to an available driver from the pool. callback (Callable): function that takes a single parameter, the return value of ``fn`` when its finished processing and has returned the driver to the queue. catch (tuple[Exception]): tuple of Exception classes to catch during task execution. If one of these Exception classes is caught during ``fn`` execution the driver that crashed will attempt to be recycled. requeue_task (bool): in the event of an Exception being caught should the task/item that was being worked on be re-added to the queue of items being processed. Raises: DriverPoolValueError: if ``callback`` is not ``None`` or ``callable``. Returns: None """ def worker(fn, task): ret_val = None async_task_id = gen_uuid(12) self.logger.debug('starting async task %s', async_task_id) driver = self._drivers.get(block=True) if isinstance(driver, Exception): raise driver try: ret_val = fn(driver, task) except catch as e: self.logger.exception('hihi') if self.is_processing: driver = self._recycle_driver(driver) if requeue_task: self._tasks.put(task) finally: self._results.put(ret_val) self._drivers.put(driver) gevent.sleep(self.INNER_THREAD_SLEEP) return ret_val def feeder(): self.logger.debug('starting async feeder thread') while True: while not self._tasks.empty(): task = self._tasks.get() if self._pool is None: break self._pool.apply_async( worker, args=(fn, task,), callback=greenlet_callback) gevent.sleep(self.INNER_THREAD_SLEEP) if self._pool is None and not self.is_processing: break return if callback is None: def logger(value): self.logger.debug('%s', value) callback = logger def real_callback(cb, value): if isinstance(value, gevent.GreenletExit): raise value else: cb(value) greenlet_callback = partial(real_callback, callback) for f in [fn, callback]: if not callable(f): raise DriverPoolValueError( 'cannot use %s, is not callable' % callback) self.logger.debug('starting async processing') self.__bootstrap() if not self.__feeder_green: self.__feeder_green = gevent.spawn(feeder) if items: self.add_async(*items)
[docs] def quit(self): """ Alias for :func:`~DriverPool.close()`. Included for consistency with driver instances that generally call ``quit`` when they're no longer needed. Returns: None """ if self.__feeder_green: return self.stop_async() return self.close()
[docs] def results(self, block=True): """ Iterate over available results from processed tasks. Args: block (bool): when ``True``, block this call until all tasks have been processed and all results have been returned. Otherwise this will continue indefinitely while tasks are dynamically added to the async processing queue. Yields: results: one result at a time as they're finished. Raises: StopIteration: when the processing is finished. """ est_size = self._results.qsize() self.logger.debug('there are an estimated %d results', est_size) if block: self.logger.debug('blocking for results to finish processing') while self.is_processing: while not self._results.empty(): yield self._results.get() gevent.sleep(self.INNER_THREAD_SLEEP) if self._tasks.empty() and self._results.empty(): break raise StopIteration else: if est_size > 0: self.logger.debug('returning as many results as have finished') self._results.put(StopIteration) for result in self._results: yield result
[docs] def stop_async(self, timeout=None, auto_clean=True): """ Stop all the async worker processing from executing. Args: timeout (float): number of seconds to wait for pool to finish processing before killing and closing out the execution. auto_clean (bool): cleanup docker containers after executing. If multiple processing tasks are going to be used, it's more performant to leave the containers running and reuse them. Returns: None """ self.logger.debug('stopping async processing') if self.__feeder_green: self.logger.debug('killing async feeder thread') gevent.kill(self.__feeder_green) self.__feeder_green = None if self._pool: self.logger.debug('joining async pool before kill') self._pool.join(timeout=timeout or 1.0) self._pool.kill(block=False) tasks_count = self._tasks.qsize()'%d tasks remained unprocessed', tasks_count) if auto_clean: self.logger.debug('auto cleanup pool environment') self.__cleanup(force=True)