Source code for selenium_docker.drivers

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# >>
#   Copyright 2018 Vivint, inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
#    vivint-selenium-docker, 20017
# <<

import logging
import os
import tarfile
import time
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps

import requests
from aenum import Flag
from docker.errors import APIError, DockerException
from dotmap import DotMap
from selenium.webdriver import Remote
from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy
from six import add_metaclass
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_delay, wait_fixed
from toolz.functoolz import juxt

from selenium_docker.meta import config
from selenium_docker.utils import ip_port, parse_metadata
from selenium_docker.base import (
    ContainerFactory, ContainerInterface, check_engine)

__all__ = [

[docs]def check_container(fn): """ Ensure we're not trying to double up an external container with a Python instance that already has one. This would create dangling containers that may not get stopped programmatically. Note: This method is placed under ``base`` to prevent circular imports. Args: fn (Callable): wrapped function. Returns: Callable """ @wraps(fn) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): # check the instance self.logger.debug('checking container before creation') if self.factory is None: raise DockerException('no docker client defined as factory') if getattr(self, 'container', None) is not None: raise DockerException( 'container already exists for this driver instance (%s)' % # check the specification if self.CONTAINER is None: raise DockerException('cannot create container without definition') # check the docker connection try: except APIError as e: self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise e else: self.logger.debug('checking passed') return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner
class DockerDriverMeta(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): super(DockerDriverMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
[docs]@add_metaclass(DockerDriverMeta) class DockerDriverBase(ContainerInterface, Remote): """ Base class for all drivers that want to implement Webdriver functionality that maps to a running Docker container. """ BASE_URL = 'http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub' """str: connection URL used to bind with docker container.""" BROWSER = 'Default' """str: name of the underlying browser being used. Classes that inhert from :obj:`~.DockerDriverBase` should overwrite this attribute.""" CONTAINER = None """dict: default specification for the underlying container. This definition is passed to the Docker Engine and is responsible for defining resources and metadata.""" DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS = None """list: default arguments to apply to the WebDriver binary inside the Docker container at startup. This can be used for changing the user agent or turning off advanced features.""" IMPLICIT_WAIT_SECONDS = 10.0 """float: this can only be called once per WebDriver instance. The value here is applied at the end of ``__init__`` to prevent the WebDriver instance from hanging inside the container.""" SELENIUM_PORT = '4444/tcp' """str: identifier for extracting the host port that's bound to Docker's internal port for the underlying container. This string is in the format ``PORT/PROTOCOL``."""
[docs] class Flags(Flag): """ Default bit flags to enable or disable all extra features. """ DISABLED = 0 ALL = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, user_agent=None, proxy=None, cargs=None, ckwargs=None, extensions=None, logger=None, factory=None, flags=None): """ Selenium compatible Remote Driver instance. Args: user_agent (str or Callable): overwrite browser's default user agent. If ``user_agent`` is a Callable then the result will be used as the user agent string for this browser instance. proxy (Proxy or SquidProxy): Proxy (or SquidProxy) instance that routes container traffic. cargs (list): container creation arguments. ckwargs (dict): container creation keyword arguments. extensions (list): list of file locations loaded as browser extensions. logger (:obj:`~logging.Logger`): logging module Logger instance. factory (:obj:`~selenium_docker.base.ContainerFactory`): abstract connection to a Docker Engine that does the primary interaction with starting and stopping containers. flags (:obj:`aenum.Flag`): bit flags used to turn advanced features on or off. Raises: ValueError: when ``proxy`` is an unknown/invalid value. Exception: when any problem occurs connecting the driver to its underlying container. """ args = cargs or [] ckwargs = ckwargs or {} extensions = extensions or [] # create the container self.factory = factory or ContainerFactory.get_default_factory() self.factory.load_image(self.CONTAINER, background=False) self._name = ckwargs.setdefault('name', self.factory.gen_name()) self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger( '%s.%s.%s' % (__name__, self.identity, self.container = self._make_container(**ckwargs) self._base_url = self.get_url() # user_agent can also be a callable function to randomly select one # at instantiation time user_agent = user_agent() if callable(user_agent) else user_agent self._perform_check_container_ready() # figure out if we're using a proxy self._proxy, self._proxy_container = None, None if isinstance(proxy, Proxy): # Selenium Proxy self._proxy_container = None self._proxy = proxy elif hasattr(proxy, 'selenium_proxy'): # Container for SquidProxy, extract Selenium portion self._proxy_container = proxy self._proxy = proxy.selenium_proxy elif proxy not in [None, False]: raise ValueError('invalid proxy type, %s' % type(proxy)) # build our web driver capabilities self.flags = self.Flags.DISABLED if not flags else flags fn = juxt(self._capabilities, self._profile) capabilities, profile = fn(args, extensions, self._proxy, user_agent) try: # build our web driver super(DockerDriverBase, self).__init__( self._base_url, desired_capabilities=capabilities, browser_profile=profile, keep_alive=False) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) self.close_container() raise e # driver configuration self.implicitly_wait(self.IMPLICIT_WAIT_SECONDS) self._final(args, extensions, self._proxy, user_agent)
def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'session_id'): return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.identity, self._name) return super(DockerDriverBase, self).__repr__() @property def base_url(self): """str: read-only property of Selenium's base url. """ return self._base_url @property def identity(self): """str: reference to the parent class' name. """ return self.__class__.__name__ @property def name(self): """str: read-only property of the container's name. """ return self._name @property def docker(self): """:obj:`docker.client.DockerClient`: reference""" return self.factory.docker @abstractmethod def _capabilities(self, arguments, extensions, proxy, user_agent): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _profile(self, arguments, extensions, proxy, user_agent): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _final(self, arguments, extensions, proxy, user_agent): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @check_container def _make_container(self, **kwargs): """ Create a running container on the given Docker engine. This container will contain the Selenium runtime, and ideally a browser instance to connect with. Args: **kwargs (dict): the specification of the docker container. Returns: :class:`~docker.models.containers.Container` """ # ensure we don't already have a container created for this instance self.logger.debug('creating container') return self.factory.start_container(self.CONTAINER, **kwargs)
[docs] def _perform_check_container_ready(self): """ Checks if the container is ready to use by calling a separate function. This function ``check_container_ready`` must manage its own retry logic if the check is to be performed more than once or over a span of time. Raises: :exc:`~docker.errors.DockerException`: when the container's creation and state cannot be verified. Returns: bool: ``True`` when ``check_container_ready()`` returns ``True``. """ self.logger.debug('waiting for selenium to initialize') is_ready = self.check_container_ready() if not is_ready: raise DockerException('could not verify container was ready') self.logger.debug('container created successfully') return is_ready
[docs] @retry(wait=wait_fixed(0.5), stop=stop_after_delay(10)) def check_container_ready(self): """ Function that continuously checks if a container is ready. Note: This function should be wrapped in a `tenacity.retry` for continuously checking the status without failing. Raises: requests.RequestException: for any `requests` related exception. Returns: bool: ``True`` when the status is good. ``False`` if it cannot be verified or is in an unusable state. """ self.logger.debug('checking selenium status') resp = requests.get(self._base_url, timeout=(1.0, 1.0)) # retry on every exception resp.raise_for_status() return resp.status_code ==
[docs] def close_container(self): """ Removes the running container from the connected engine via :obj:`.DockerDriverBase.factory`. Returns: None """ if not self.container: self.logger.warning('no container to stop') return self.logger.debug('closing and removing container') self.factory.stop_container( self.container = None
[docs] def f(self, flag): """ Helper function for checking if we included a flag. Args: flag (:obj:`aenum.Flag`): instance of ``Flag``. Returns: bool: logical AND on an individual flag and a bit-flag set. Example:: from import ChromeDriver, Flags driver = ChromeDriver(flags=Flags.ALL) driver.get('') if driver.f(Flags.X_IMG): # no images allowed # do something pass driver.quit() """ return flag & self.flags
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Extract the hostname and port from a running docker container, return it as a URL-string we can connect to. References: :func:`selenium_docker.utils.ip_port` Returns: str """ host, port = ip_port(self.container, self.SELENIUM_PORT) base_url = self.BASE_URL.format(host=host, port=port) return base_url
[docs] def quit(self): """ Alias for :func:`DockerDriverBase.close_container`. Generally this is called in a Selenium tests when you want to completely close and quit the active browser. Returns: None """ self.logger.debug('browser quit') self.close_container()
[docs]class VideoDriver(DockerDriverBase): """ Chrome browser inside Docker with video recording of its lifetime. Args: path (str): directory where finished video recording should be stored. Attributes: save_path (str): directory to save video recording. _time (int): time stamp of when the class was instatiated. __is_recording (bool): flag for internal recording state. __recording_path (str): Docker internal path for saved files. """ commands = DotMap( stop_ffmpeg='pkill ffmpeg', start_ffmpeg=( 'ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -s {resolution} -framerate {fps}' ' -i :99+0,0 {metadata} -qp 18 -c:v libx264' ' -preset ultrafast {filename}')) """:obj:`dotmap.DotMap`: aliases for commands that run inside the docker container for starting and stopping ffmpeg. Attributes: start_ffmpeg: using X11 and LibX264. stop_ffmpeg: killing the process will correctly stop video recording. """ def __init__(self, path='/tmp', *args, **kwargs): super(VideoDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # marker attributes if not os.path.isdir(path): raise IOError('path %s in not a directory' % path) self.save_path = path # type: str self._time = int(time.time()) # type: int self.__is_recording = False # type: bool self.__recording_path = os.path.join( # type: str config.ffmpeg_location, self.filename) if self._perform_check_container_ready(): self.start_recording() @property def filename(self): """str: filename to apply to the extracted video stream. The filename will be formatted, ``<BROWSER>-docker-<TIMESTAMP>.mkv``. """ return ('%s-docker-%s.mkv' % (self.BROWSER, self._time)).lower() @property def is_recording(self): """bool: the container is recording video right now.""" return self.__is_recording def __reset_time(self): self._time = int(time.time() * 100)
[docs] def quit(self): """ Stop video recording before closing the driver instance and removing the Docker container. Returns: None """ if self.__is_recording: self.stop_recording(self.save_path) super(VideoDriver, self).quit()
[docs] @check_engine def start_recording(self, metadata=None, environment=None): """ Starts the ffmpeg video recording inside the container. Args: metadata (dict): arbitrary data to attach to the video file. environment (dict): environment variables to inject inside the running container before launching ffmpeg. Returns: str: the absolute file path of the file being recorded, inside the Docker container. """ if self.__is_recording: raise RuntimeError( 'already recording, cannot start recording again') if not metadata: metadata = {} self.__is_recording = True for s, v in [ ('title', self.filename), ('language', 'English'), ('encoded_by', 'docker+ffmpeg'), ('description', getattr(self, 'DESCRIPTION', config.ffmpeg_description))]: metadata.setdefault(s, v) cmd = self.commands.start_ffmpeg.format( resolution=config.ffmpeg_resolution, fps=config.ffmpeg_fps, metadata=parse_metadata(metadata), filename=self.__recording_path) self.logger.debug( 'starting recording to file %s', self.__recording_path) self.logger.debug('cmd: %s', cmd) self.container.exec_run(cmd, environment=environment, detach=True) return self.__recording_path
[docs] @check_engine def stop_recording(self, path, shard_by_date=True, environment=None): """ Stops the ffmpeg video recording inside the container. Args: path (str): local directory where the video file should be stored. shard_by_date (bool): when ``True`` video files will be placed in a folder structure under ``path`` in the format of ``YYYY/MM/DD/<files>``. environment (dict): environment variables to inject inside the container before executing the commands to stop recording. Raises: ValueError: when ``path`` is not an existing folder path. IOError: when there's a problem creating the folder for video recorded files. Returns: str: file path to completed recording. This value is adjusted for ``shard_by_date``. """ if not self.__is_recording: raise RuntimeError( 'cannot stop recording, recording not in progress') self.container.exec_run(self.commands.stop_ffmpeg, environment=environment, detach=False) if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError('%s is not a directory' % path) if shard_by_date: # split the final destination into a folder tree by date ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(self._time) path = os.path.join(path, str(ts.year), str(ts.month), str( if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except IOError as e: self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise e source = self.__recording_path destination = os.path.join(path, self.filename) tar_dest = '%s.tar' % destination stream, stat = self.container.get_archive(source) self.logger.debug( 'video stats, name:%s, size:%s', stat['name'], stat['size']) with open(tar_dest, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write( if not tarfile.is_tarfile(tar_dest): raise RuntimeError('invalid tar file from container %s' % tar_dest) self.logger.debug('extracting tar archive') tar = tar.extractall(path) os.unlink(tar_dest) self.__is_recording = False self._time = int(time.time()) return destination