Source code for selenium_docker.base

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# >>
#   Copyright 2018 Vivint, inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#    vivint-selenium-docker, 20017
# <<

import logging
import time
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import Mapping
from functools import partial, wraps

import docker
import gevent
from docker.errors import APIError, DockerException, NotFound
from docker.models.containers import Container
from six import string_types

from selenium_docker.errors import DockerError, SeleniumDockerException
from selenium_docker.utils import gen_uuid

[docs]def check_engine(fn): """ Pre-check our engine connection by sending a ping before our intended operation. Args: fn (Callable): wrapped function. Returns: Callable Example:: @check_engine def do_something_with_docker(self): # will raise APIError before getting here # if there's a problem with the Docker Engine connection. return True """ @wraps(fn) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.debug('pinging docker engine') try: except SeleniumDockerException as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise e else: self.logger.debug('pass') return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner
[docs]class ContainerInterface(object): """ Required functionality for implementing a custom object that has an underlying container. """ CONTAINER = None def __str__(self): return '<%s(image=%s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.CONTAINER.get('image', 'None')) @abstractmethod def _make_container(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def close_container(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def quit(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ContainerFactory(object): """ Used as an interface for interacting with Container instances. Example:: from selenium_docker.base import ContainerFactory factory = ContainerFactory.get_default_factory('reusable') factory.stop_all_containers() Will attempt to connect to the local Docker Engine, including the word ``reusable`` as part of each new container's name. Calling ``factory.stop_all_containers()`` will stop and remove containers assocated with that namespace. Reusing the same ``namespace`` value will allow the factory to inherit the correct containers from Docker when the program is reset. Args: engine (:obj:`docker.client.DockerClient`): connection to the Docker Engine the application will interact with. If ``engine`` is ``None`` then :func:`docker.client.from_env` will be called to attempt connecting locally. namespace (str): common name included in all the new docker containers to allow tracking their status and cleaning up reliably. make_default (bool): when ``True`` this instance will become the default, used as a singleton, when requested via :func:`~ContainerFactory.get_default_factory`. logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): logging module Logger instance. """ DEFAULT = None """:obj:`.ContainerFactory`: singleton instance to a container factory that can be used to spawn new containers accross a single connected Docker engine. This is the instance returned by :func:`~ContainerFactory.get_default_factory`. """ __slots__ = ('_containers', '_engine', '_ns', 'logger') def __init__(self, engine, namespace, make_default=True, logger=None): self._containers = {} self._engine = engine or docker.from_env() self._ns = namespace or gen_uuid(10) self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger( '%s.ContainerFactory.%s' % (__name__, self._ns)) if make_default and ContainerFactory.DEFAULT is None: ContainerFactory.DEFAULT = self if namespace: # we supplied the namespace, we can bootstrap our # tracked containers back from the environment self._containers = self.get_namespace_containers(namespace) def __repr__(self): return '<ContainerFactory(docker=%s,ns=%s,count=%d)>' % ( self._engine.api.base_url, self._ns, len(self._containers.keys())) @property def containers(self): """dict: :obj:`~docker.models.containers.Container` instances mapped by name. """ return self._containers @property def docker(self): """:obj:`docker.client.DockerClient`: reference to the connected Docker engine. """ return self._engine @property def namespace(self): """str: ready-only property for this instance's namespace, used for generating names. """ return self._ns def __bootstrap(self, container, **kwargs): """ Adds additional attributes and functions to Container instance. Args: container (Container): instance of :obj:`~docker.models.containers.Container` that is being fixed up with expected values. kwargs (dict): arbitrary attribute names and their values to attach to the ``container`` instance. Returns: :obj:`~docker.models.containers.Container`: the exact instance passed in. """ self.logger.debug('bootstrapping container instance to factory') c = container for k, v in kwargs.items(): # pragma: no cover setattr(c, k, v) c.started = time.time() c.logger = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (__name__, kwargs.get('name'))) c.ns = self._ns return c
[docs] def as_json(self): """ JSON representation of our factory metadata. Returns: dict: that is a :py:func:`json.dumps` compatible dictionary instance. """ return { '_ref': str(self), 'count': len(self.containers) }
[docs] def gen_name(self, key=None): """ Generate the name of a new container we want to run. This method is used to keep names consistent as well as to ensure the name/identity of the ``ContainerFactory`` is included. When a ``ContainerFactory`` is loaded on a machine with containers already running with its name it'll inherit those instances to re-manage between application runs. Args: key (str): the identifiable portion of a container name. If one isn't supplied (the default) then one is randomly generated. Returns: str: in the format of ``selenium-<FACTORY_NAMESPACE>-<KEY>``. """ return 'selenium-%s-%s' % (self._ns, key or gen_uuid(6))
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_factory(cls, namespace=None, logger=None): """ Creates a default connection to the local Docker engine. This ``classmethod`` acts as a singleton. If one hasn't been made it will attempt to create it and attach the instance to the class definition. Because of this the method is the preferable way to obtain the default connection so it doesn't get overwritten or modified by accident. Note: By default this method will attempt to connect to the **local** Docker engine only. Do not use this when attempting to use a remote engine on a different machine. Args: namespace (str): use this namespace if we're creating a new default factory instance. logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): instance of logger to attach to this factory instance. Returns: :obj:`~.ContainerFactory`: instance to interact with Docker engine. """ if cls.DEFAULT is None: cls(None, namespace, make_default=True, logger=logger) return cls.DEFAULT
[docs] @check_engine def get_namespace_containers(self, namespace=None): """ Glean the running containers from the environment that are using our factory's namespace. Args: namespace (str): word identifying ContainerFactory containers represented in the Docker Engine. Returns: dict: :obj:`~docker.models.containers.Container` instances mapped by name. """ if namespace is None: namespace = self.namespace ret = {} for c in self.docker.containers.list(): if namespace in ret[] = c return ret
[docs] @check_engine def load_image(self, image, tag=None, insecure_registry=False, background=False): """ Issue a ``docker pull`` command before attempting to start/run containers. This could potentially increase startup time, as well as ensure the containers are up-to-date. Args: image (str): name of the container we're downloading. tag (str): tag/version of the container. insecure_registry (bool): allow downloading image templates from insecure Docker registries. background (bool): spawn the download in a background thread. Raises: :exc:`docker.errors.DockerException`: if anything goes wrong during the image template download. Returns: :obj:`docker.models.images.Image`: the Image controlled by the connected Docker engine. Containers are spawned based off this template. """ if tag is None: tag = '' if isinstance(image, Mapping): image = image.get('image', None) if not isinstance(image, string_types): raise ValueError('cannot determine image from %s' % type(image)) try: self.logger.debug('checking locally for image') img = self.docker.images.get(image) except NotFound as e: self.logger.debug('could not find image locally, %s', image) else: return img self.logger.debug('loading image, %s:%s', image, tag or 'latest') fn = partial(self.docker.images.pull, image, tag=tag, insecure_registry=insecure_registry, stream=True) if background: gevent.spawn(fn) else: return fn()
[docs] @check_engine def scrub_containers(self, *labels): """ Remove **all** containers that were dynamically created. Args: labels (str): labels to include in our search for finding containers to scrub from the connected Docker engine. Returns: int: the number of containers stopped and removed. """ def stop_remove(c): try: c.stop() c.remove() except NotFound: self.logger.warning('could not find container %s', total = 0 self.logger.debug('scrubbing all containers by library') # attempt to stop all the containers normally self.stop_all_containers() labels = ['browser', 'dynamic'] + list(set(labels)) threads = [] found = set() # now close all dangling containers for label in labels: containers = self.docker.containers.list( filters={'label': label}) count = len(containers) self.logger.debug( 'found %d dangling containers with label %s', count, label) total += count for c in containers: if not in found: found.add( threads.append(gevent.spawn(stop_remove, c)) for t in reversed(threads): t.join() return total
[docs] @check_engine def start_container(self, spec, **kwargs): """ Creates and runs a new container defined by ``spec``. Args: spec (dict): the specification of our docker container. This can include things such as the name, labels, image, restart conditions, etc. The built-in driver containers already have this defined in their class declaration. kwargs ([str, str]): additional arguments that will be added to ``spec``; generally dynamic attributes modifying a static container definition. Raises: :exc:`docker.errors.DockerException`: when there's any problem performing start and run on the container we're attemping to create. Returns: :obj:`docker.models.containers.Container`: the newly created and managed container instance. """ if 'image' not in spec: raise DockerException('cannot create container without image') self.logger.debug('starting container') name = spec.get('name', kwargs.get('name', self.gen_name())) for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in spec: self.logger.debug('updating `%s` in spec', key) kw = dict(spec) kw.update(kwargs) kw['name'] = name try: container =**kw) except DockerException as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise e # track this container self._containers[name] = self.__bootstrap(container) self.logger.debug('started container %s', name) return container
[docs] @check_engine def stop_all_containers(self): """ Remove all containers from this namespace. Raises: APIError: when there's a problem communicating with the Docker Engine. NotFound: when a tracked container cannot be found in the Docker Engine. Returns: None """ self.logger.debug('stopping all containers') for name in list(self.containers.keys()): self.stop_container(name=name)
[docs] @check_engine def stop_container(self, name=None, key=None, timeout=10): """ Remove an individual container by name or key. Args: name (str): name of the container. key (str): partial reference to the container. (Optional) timeout (int): time in seconds to wait before sending ``SIGKILL`` to a running container. Raises: ValueError: when ``key`` and ``name`` are both ``None``. APIError: when there's a problem communicating with Docker engine. NotFound: when no such container by ``name`` exists. Returns: None """ e = None # type: Exception container = None # type: Container if key and not name: name = self.gen_name(key=key) if not name: raise ValueError('`name` and `key` cannot both be None') if name not in self.containers: self.logger.warning('container %s is not being tracked' % name) # we're not tracking the container in our internal state # so we need to query the docker engine and see if it's there. try: container = self.docker.containers.get(name) except NotFound as e: self.logger.error('cannot find container via docker engine') return container except APIError as e: self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise DockerError(e) else: container = self.containers.pop(name) if e is not None: # if we couldn't get a reference to the container through our # Factory instance alert that; it means we're leaking Container # references.'container recovered from engine, not instance') self.logger.debug('stopping container %s', name) try: container.stop(timeout=timeout) container.remove(force=True) except APIError as e: self.logger.error('could not stop container %s', self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True) raise DockerError(e)